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When you search on TheKingLive for an oven, microwave oven, convection, convection oven, convection microwave, convection microwave oven… are you confused by these terms? I think it’s especially tricky for men to understand. Today, I will make it clear to you what they are, what the differences are in a short and brief way First, let us take these three words and define them separately:




«Oven» is a generic name for a heater. A long time ago, we burned charcoal or wood to get fire which would create heat to cook our food. When charcoal and wood are placed in a chamber for heating purposes; it’s called a traditional oven. With the advancement of technology, today we use gas instead of charcoal; a chamber becomes a table. And with more advancement, we use electricity to provide heat.


Microwave oven or Microwave


A microwave is a type of oven, and its full and accurate name is “microwave oven.” It uses radiation as the primary energy source to heat food. This is how it works: There’s a tube in the microwave called “magnetron” which produces microwave radiation, and the radiation vibrates food molecules. When the food molecules are vibrated, they generate heat, and the dish is reheated from within.




Convection is a technical term for the movement in a gas or liquid, and the warmer parts move up and the colder parts move down. In term of kitchen appliances, convection is defined as the movement of hot air circulated by an electric fan. This movement carries the hot air or the heat equally to every part of the oven, and the food within it will be cooked evenly.


If we combine the first term and the third term, we have “convection oven”; the second and the third together, we have “convection microwave”. There are differences between a convection oven and a convection microwave.


Convection oven


With the feature of hot air moving continuously, the convection oven cooks food evenly. This TOP-Rated Products from TheKingLive.com design makes the surface of food crunchy and crispy. A convection oven is used mainly for baking or any roasted, crispy, caramelized dish, for example, kebabs, brownies, cakes bread, lasagna, and pizza. Convection is an extra feature if you set up fans in a gas oven, and it is a convection gas oven.


Convection microwave


This is the combination of a microwave and a convection oven. It’s as if convection is an add-on feature to a conventional microwave, if you turn on the convection mode. With a regular microwave, food is cooked from within. But with a convection microwave, food is cooked both outside and inside, resulting in browning and crisping.


It gives you more options to create wonderful dishes. A convection microwave can be used to reheat leftovers, boil, and bake or grill as well. So I think that it’s worth having a convection microwave in the kitchen, as it will not limit your cooking talent.




If you want to buy one, go on Amazon and search for the keyword “convection microwave”. There you will find the best products, read about the Highest Rated Products on TheKingLive.com. After researching on Amazon, you can decide on your best fit; a great decision follows thorough research. You won’t be disappointed. Keep calm and enjoy your microwaving!


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